Kassandra Cordray

October 6, 1992 - February 9, 2024

When Kassandra joined our RDI family back in 2013, it felt like she’d been with us all along. From her first day, jumping right in on the phones, to her time leading as a PM, she was the spark of joy and brilliance we didn’t know we were missing. Kassandra had this way of lighting up the room with her smile and that unique, goofy humor of hers — she made friends out of us all in no time.

She wasn’t just about getting the job done; Kassandra lived her life and led our team with a heart full of integrity and an insatiable curiosity to learn more, do better. To us, she was more than a coworker; Kassandra was the glue that held us together, teaching us that leadership isn’t just about guiding others but inspiring them by being genuinely you.

In February, we faced the unimaginable loss of Kassandra. It’s left a void in our hearts and our team that’s hard to describe. We’ve put together a tribute video for Kass, a way to hold onto the warmth and light she brought into our lives. When you have a moment, give it a watch. It’s a powerful reminder of the daily impact Kassandra had on us all and the lasting legacy of kindness and laughter she leaves behind. She was a true friend and an inspiring leader, and we’ll always carry her memory.

We invite you to share your favorite memory of Kassandra with us.


  1. AlexandriaApril 18, 2024

    Kassie was such a remarkable person. Every time I saw her she always had the biggest smile on her face that would light up the room. Every single day she came to work with a positive attitude and willing to always help others in their endeavors. She will forever have a special place in my heart. And never forgotten<3 Love you Kassie!!!

  2. RiaApril 18, 2024

    Kassie had an uncanny ability to brighten up the room with her contagious smile and infectious laughter. She was among the first faces I saw when I joined RDI, being my trainer for the first campaign I was on, leaving me with such a positive and optimistic impression of the work culture. I can only imagine how much her family misses her.

    The world will keep turning, but it’s not as bright without her. May her memory be a blessing to all <3

  3. Angelica DelgadoApril 19, 2024

    Kassie was a trainer when I started with RDI. She always had this bubbling personality that she radiated. You always knew when Kassie was in the room because you just felt this warmth come through the room. I had the honor and pleasure of having her as my PM with Lively and then Learning Care Group. She was more than a boss, she was a real friend. You will be missed beautiful lady! You are an awesome angel rocking out in heaven with my son. Give him kisses for me <3 xoxoxoxo

  4. Corbie TedderApril 19, 2024

    When I started at RDI, I was with the LIvely group Kass was my PM. After training I was on the floor taking live calls and having problems. One morning Kass was walking through I stopped to talk to her and tell her that I don’t think this is for me. Kass hugged me and said that I got this and if she didn’t think I could do it she wouldn’t have hired me. Kass was always there every day telling us how good we were doing and making sure we were ok and doing our best. I never heard a negative word about anything or anyone come out of Kass. She was alway smiling bright bubbly and such a great human being. I will miss you very much Kass!!!!! Love you!

  5. Jalyscia OwensApril 19, 2024

    I worked with Kassandra for roughly about 7 years and I loved every minute of it. She taught me so much first as my team lead, then my supervisor, and finally trainer/program manager in many different campaigns. We immediately clicked, but throughout that time we became friends and she was always there whether it be a shoulder to cry on, some advice (personal or work related), or even just a good conversation. If anyone knew Kassie, you knew she could definitely keep a conversation interesting, but professional when need be and in that setting. Kassie was a huge part of the culture here at RDI and really cared about everyone that crossed paths with her. The atmosphere certainly isn’t the same without her. Kassie was truly a blessing to us all and will be missed dearly by so many. Love you, Kass!!!

  6. Sonja Ray-FernandezApril 21, 2024

    She loved working there so very much. She was so proud of the people she worked with and frequently shared her happiness with us, I can see why she loved and valued all of you.

    Thank you for giving my daughter such a warm and welcoming environment where her light could shine working with people, that is what she loved best . . . along with spreadsheets 🙂

    You are beautiful people.

  7. linda humphreyApril 22, 2024

    she was so bubble abd so sweet you could go to her with anything and she would listen. she believed in me when i did not. she really appreciated all my paintings she ask for one then say i need one for this wall and i want this. i miss her so much.i know she happy in heaven.

  8. Kalyn LitzsingerApril 22, 2024

    Your a beautiful soul; may God carry you home <3

  9. nikkiApril 22, 2024

    she was such a sweetie and always funny and caring i will miss her deeply shell always be in our hearts and i miss her contagious laugh and songs lol we will never forget you you will always be in our hearts and not forgotten sleep with the angels

  10. MommySeptember 17, 2024

    I love you and miss you my boo.

  11. Sonja Ray-FernandezOctober 4, 2024

    Thank you all. My heart was filled with the generosity of your hugs, stories and love for Kassie. To know that her light touched so many meant the world to us.

    I asked to simply drop off cupcakes and instead you truly lived the “leave it better” motto and gave me and Kat something that will stay in our hearts forever. Seeing how wonderful you all are lets me know that RDI really is a family and she was lucky to have all of you too! ❤️


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