When faced with a seemingly impossible challenge, successful people don’t stop at the wall that blocks their way; they find a way past it with GRIT.
Peaks & Valleys
Life is a series of peaks and valleys. Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down. But it’s the difficult times where we need a little more support, guidance, and GRIT. When you can improve your ability to navigate the difficult times, you not only live a happier life, but you also grow as a person. You have to dig deep to find the right solution.
Find Solutions with Grit
We are working through a very challenging time and faced with a large number of obstacles that we have to find solutions for. Our environment is changing by the hour. This is not the time to panic. This is the time to come together as a team. We will get through this.
“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” – Michael Jordan
Eliminate, Tolerate or Avoid
Each solution may be different – it could take you around the wall, over it, under it, or even right through it. In every case, the barriers are something to eliminate rather than tolerate or avoid because they stand in the way of progress. The focus is on the solution rather than being stuck in the problem.
How You Get Past The Wall
Often, what gets in the way of many of us is a misguided belief that if you work hard you’ll be successful. Unfortunately, no matter how hard you work, obstacles pop up to block your path. It’s what you do next – how you get past the wall – that defines you and leads to success.
Transform A Challenge with Grit
How can you transform challenges and barriers into opportunities?
Change your mindset on how you are viewing the situation – from working harder to working smarter – and analyze what you’re doing so that you can ask the question, “Why?” That is what Winning Smart is all about.
Achieve A Dream
You may not like the answers you discover, but if you accept them as fact you’ll better understand the barrier and be able to identify solutions that destroy the wall and set you back on your way toward achieving your dreams.
Uncover A Solution with Grit
Barriers are an important part of life. Don’t fear them, and don’t avoid them. Use your life experiences to uncover a solution then rely upon your innate talents and skills to pursue it to demonstrate your GRIT. When we come out the other side of this you will be stronger, your team will be stronger, and RDI will be stronger.
Bronson Trebbi
To learn more about RDI, contact us!