One Month Down – Can the East Bounce Back?

Eric "Macho Man" Sherman is asking YOU to join the Summer Showdown II

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We’re over one month into Summer Showdown II, and the West Team continues kicking the East Team’s butt. But Eric “Macho Man” Sherman isn’t giving up the belt just yet. There’s still a month and a half left for the East Team to catch up and surpass the West Team, but only if YOU sign up today.

Join the teams and keep track of all points here: RDI Summer Showdown 2024 – East vs West – (powered by Challenge Hound)

Already participating? Keep up the great work, and don’t let your team fall behind! Add as many points to Challengehound as you can!

Get Ready for Summer Showdown II!

Who will emerge victorious?

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Grab your workout shoes and sweatbands, RDI employees. We’re back with another action-packed Summer Showdown between the East and West sites! Will the Beasts of the East hold onto their title? Or will the New West Order of Fitness reign supreme? Let’s ask The Macho Man Eric Sherman and Henderson Hogan who they think will come out on top!

Want to sign up for this year’s Summer Showdown? Learn more below.

Sign Up Today for Summer Showdown II

Join the East and West teams in a battle for the belt!

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Summer Showdown II kicks off on June 1 and runs until August 31.

The goal? Accumulate the most points by completing workouts and recording them in the Challenge Hound App.

The teams? The East Team includes the Blue Ash, Milford, and Oxford sites. The West Team includes the Henderson, Waco, Nogales, and Hermosillo sites.

The sign-up form? Fill it out here: RDI Summer Showdown 2024 – East vs West – (powered by Challenge Hound)

Help your team achieve total victory by signing up today!

Keep Track of Your Team's Progress

We'll update the points every Friday to see who's on top each week

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Check back here every Friday to see how many points your team gathers for the week. Whoever boasts the most by the end of August will be crowned the Summer Showdown 2024 Champion!

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