Vol. 3, Issue 42 | 10/25/2024

Teach Us Something: Wildlife Photography Edition

Get some wildlife photography tips from Milford's resident bird guru, Kari Rea

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Teach Us Something: Top Tips for Wildlife Photography

We’re back with another episode of Teach Us Something, a video series in which YOU share your passions and hobbies with the rest of us! We’re so happy to introduce Milford’s Engagement Manager Kari Rea, a wildlife photography lover and our Teacher for today.

Kari remembers getting her knees dirty in creek beds back when she was a kid, and her family’s love for the outdoors and birding led to her own passion for wildlife. When she’s not spearheading Milford’s ELLWell efforts, Kari volunteers for local animal rehabilitation programs, helping nurse animals back to health so they can be re-released into the wild.

In Kari’s mind, you don’t need a fancy camera to take wildlife photos. It’s more important to get outside, take notice of what’s around you, and capture whatever beauty catches your eye. Learn more wildlife photography tips from Kari in the video above!

Want to Teach Us about your passion or hobby? Sign up below

Honoring Breast Cancer Awareness Month

See how some sites dressed in pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, RDI employees across several sites dressed in pink to show their support. Some team members also took their commitment further by joining the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, where they walked together in solidarity with those impacted by breast cancer. Thank you to everyone who participated and helped raise awareness this October!

Highlights from the True Blue Fall Market

Several employees set up booths to showcase their crafts and side hustles!

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Last week’s True Blue Fall Market at RDI Blue Ash was a fantastic success! This seasonal event gives our employees a chance to showcase their side hustles, from handmade crafts to delicious treats, and provides an opportunity for everyone to support their coworkers’ passions. A big thank you goes out to all our talented vendors for setting up their tables and to everyone who stopped by to purchase and show support. Special thanks to Tara Kearney for organizing this event and making it all happen. We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Henderson Heat Shows Their Pride!

See how employees celebrated a belated Pride Month during Las Vegas's Pride Parade

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On October 12, RDI employees from Henderson Heat proudly joined the celebration at the Las Vegas PRIDE Parade! It was a night filled with energy, unity, and a powerful message of inclusion. Our team had a great time representing RDI, celebrating diversity, and showing support for the LGBTQ+ community. Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make the event such a memorable experience!


October 20 October 26

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Submit Your Cute and Spooky Pets in Costume

Send your photos in to be featured in The Winning Times!

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Last week, Nogales Nation started their Halloween celebration by sharing photos of their adorable pets in costume on the site’s Facebook page. We want to keep the cuteness coming by asking YOU to share your adorable, costumed pets with The Winning Times! We’ll post more photos in a slideshow for next week’s spooky edition.

 Email photos of your pets in costume to thewinningtimes@rdicorp.com by Thursday, October 31, to be featured!


Vote for Your Favorite Fall Vibes!

Week 7: Which is your ultimate fall vibe?

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Welcome to RDI’s Fall Vibes (This or That) Challenge! Every week, from now through the end of October, we’ll be asking you a this or that question to see how RDI likes to celebrate the fall season. We’re wrapping up the series with fall vibes – do you prefer a cozy fall with flannels and warm drinks? Or would you rather enjoy a spooky autumn full of frights and fun?

Drop your vote in the box below!

Last Week's Fall Vibes Results

See which vibe won out from week to week!

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The results are in for last week’s fall vibe! Keep an eye out each week for updates on RDI’s favorite autumn comforts, and remember to cast your vote before Friday. By the end of the season, we’ll reveal how RDI embraces the fall spirit!

One Week Left in Run For Your Lives Challenge!

Don't forget to track your miles and upload them at the end!

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There’s just one week left to walk/run 20 miles throughout October and earn a FREE LiveWell T-shirt! Make sure you continue tracking your miles and taking screenshots of your progress throughout the month. Once you hit 20 miles, share all your images in a single post on the LiveWell Facebook page to secure your victory! The deadline to post is Friday, November 1.

Sign up for the RDI Live Well Facebook page here: RDI Live Well | Facebook

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