Vol. 3, Issue 26 | 7/5/2024

Sign Up Now for the Course of the Month!

Watch the video below to learn more about participating in July's Featured Course.

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Our new Course of the Month focuses on the use and application of WinnerWare! From July 1 to July 31, learn how to navigate WinnerWare and interact with Wailen Winnings, our new practice AI tool.

Happy Fourth of July, RDI!

We hope you had a wonderful time celebrating!

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We hope everyone at RDI had a safe and fun time celebrating America’s Independence Day yesterday. Stay tuned for a recap of all the cookouts and grillouts RDI hosted in next week’s issue!

We Want to See Your WFH Paw-Fessionals!

Send in photos of your adorable pets (aka the best work buddies ever) to be featured in TWT.

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Calling all paw-fessionals! Next week is Pet Photo Day, so we want to see pictures of your favorite work-from-home buddies! Even if you work onsite, feel free to submit photos of you and your pets “working” together for a chance to be featured in The Winning Times. Email your photos to by Thursday, July 11, to participate!


June 30 – July 6

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Keep Track of Your Team's Progress

We'll update the points every Friday to see who's on top each week

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Check back here every Friday to see how many points your Summer Showdown team gathers for the week. Whoever boasts the most by the end of August will be crowned the Summer Showdown 2024 Champion!

Interested in joining an Affinity Group?

(Click the icons below for more details.)

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Share it with us!