Vol. 3, Issue 27 | 7/12/2024
One Month Down – Can the East Bounce Back?
Eric "Macho Man" Sherman is asking YOU to join the Summer Showdown II
We’re over one month into Summer Showdown II, and the West Team continues kicking the East Team’s butt. But Eric “Macho Man” Sherman isn’t giving up the belt just yet. There’s still a month and a half left for the East Team to catch up and surpass the West Team, but only if YOU sign up today.
Already participating? Keep up the great work, and don’t let your team fall behind! Add as many points to Challengehound as you can!
Happy Fourth of July, RDI!
See how all the sites celebrated America's Independence Day
We hope everyone at RDI had a safe and fun time celebrating America’s Independence Day last week. Several sites honored the holiday by grilling and dressing up in red, white, and blue. Look for some familiar faces in the photos above!
Happy National Pet Photo Day!
Thanks for sending in adorable photos of your WFH Paw-Fessionals
We loved seeing everyone’s photos of their paw-fessional work buddies! Enjoy this collage in honor of Pet Photo Day!
July 7 – July 13
Congratulations to L&D Director Chris Griffin!
Chris recently won the Dale Carnegie Course Highest Award for Achievement
At RDI, we believe that personal growth and professional development go hand in hand. That’s why we’re always excited to share stories of team members who’ve taken on new challenges and come out stronger on the other side. Today, we’re shining the spotlight on Chris Griffin, our Director of Leadership Development, whose recent experience with the Dale Carnegie Course offers valuable insights for all of us.
We'll update the points every Friday to see who's on top each week
Check back here every Friday to see how many points your Summer Showdown team gathers for the week. Whoever boasts the most by the end of August will be crowned the Summer Showdown 2024 Champion!
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