Vol. 3, Issue 33 | 8/23/2024

On the Spot with Chris Griffin

We put the new Director of Learning and Development Chris Griffin on the spot this week!

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Meet Chris Griffin, Director of Learning and Development 

Chris Griffin, a seven-year RDI veteran, was put On the Spot this week to tell us all about himself and his new role at RDI! Though Chris didn’t know much about education and training when he started, he’s since learned a lot of valuable information and received mentorship from the best of the best at RDI.

When he’s not helping employees pursue professional development, Chris loves binge-watching reality TV shows and painting miniatures. Though not an artistic person by nature, Chris has challenged himself recently to explore hobbies outside his comfort zone, and he’s loved learning more about painting and art. Check out the video above to hear about the challenges and rewards of painting!

Know someone you think should be On the Spot? Sign up today by emailing!

New Video Series Coming Soon...

Teach something to RDI in this fun new series!

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What hobbies do you enjoy outside of RDI? And how can other employees get involved? Join us in this brand-new video series, Teach Us Something, where we ask RDI employees to showcase their hobbies in a fun and instructional video for The Winning Times. Sign up using the form below and tell us about the hobby you’d like to feature, and we’ll email you to set up a time and place for filming.

Stay tuned for our first video in the coming weeks!

RDI Throwbacks: Back-to-School Edition

See how much RDI employees have changed since their school days!

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Now that the kids are back in school, we decided to take a trip down memory lane and reminisce about our own back-to-school experiences. Check out these “then and now” photos and see if you recognize any familiar faces!

Want to share your own back-to-school throwback pictures? Email your photos to by next Wednesday, August 28, to be included in next week’s slideshow!


August 18 – August 24

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Milford Volunteers at City Gospel Mission

The volunteers served dinner and dessert at the homeless shelter

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RDI employees from Milford volunteered at the City Gospel Mission homeless shelter last weekend, where they prepped, cooked, and served taco salads (a new favorite) and desserts.

Per Kari Rea, Milford’s Engagement Manager, “It’s always such a rewarding experience to be greeted warmly and to connect with the people we’re serving. We’d love for you to join us! We head down there every third Sunday of the month, and if you’re interested, just reach out to your Site Engagement Manager or Director of Culture to get involved. We look forward to seeing you there!”

Keep Track of Your Team's Progress

We'll update the points every Friday to see who's on top each week

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Check back here every Friday to see how many points your Summer Showdown team gathers for the week. Whoever boasts the most by the end of August will be crowned the Summer Showdown 2024 Champion!

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